Reader Reports

The fastest, least expensive avenue

Whether it’s a short story, inspirational memoir, fictional novel, nonfiction book, old query letter, or new book proposal, we give the material a full review, covering a whole gamut of pertinent editorial issues, including:

• Main idea(s), theme(s), and book positioning
• Plot and character development
• Dialogue and other transitioning
• Macro/micro organization
• Sentence structure and syntax
• Grammar and mechanics
• Fact checking and use of resources
• Overall thoughts and next steps

Email us at In your message include a description of your project and its word count, as well as a sample of the writing if you wish to attach one. One of us will be in touch about availability, turnaround time, and rates. We ask for at least a 3–4 week turnaround time for every report, but manuscripts of monstrous proportions have sometimes taken more than a month. When your report is complete, we send it back to you with an invoice. Net-30 terms with PayPal or check.

In addition to books, we read many of book-related documents, so rates differ accordingly. Please inquire further by emailing us at